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Examples of SQL Queries used in ShardOne

With a basic understanding of SQL and its associated clauses established, the next step involves delving into practical examples that illustrate the process of querying datasources using ShardOne.

For that define a few tables and map aliases to them:

Datasource: CustomersMySQL (A MySQL DB)

  • Item: Users
  • Item Alias: Customers
  • Field Alias:
    • ID -> CustomerId
    • Name -> CustomerName
| ID | Name | Age | City |
| 1 | John Doe | 32 | New York |
| 2 | Jane Smith | 32 | Los Angeles |
| 3 | Mike Johnson | 40 | Chicago |
| 4 | Sarah Thompson | 28 | Houston |
| 5 | David Wilson | 36 | San Francisco |

Datasource: CustomersMongo (A MongoDB)

  • Items: Persons
  • Item Alias: Customers
  • Field Alias:
    • User_ID -> CustomerId
    • Person_Name -> CustomerName
| User_ID | Person_Name | Age | City |
| 101 | Valerie Emerson | 32 | New York |
| 102 | Sara Medina | 28 | Los Angeles |
| 103 | Teresa Faulkner | 40 | Chicago |
| 104 | Todd Bullock | 28 | Houston |
| 105 | Marlene Maxwell | 36 | San Francisco |

Datasource: OrdersOracle (An Oracle DB)

Table: Orders

| ID | OrderID | Price |
| 1 | 1001 | 50 |
| 2 | 1002 | 75 |
| 3 | 1003 | 60 |
| 4 | 1004 | 45 |
| 6 | 1005 | 55 |
  1. List all available Customers

    SELECT * FROM Customers;


    As it can be seen, with a single query, ShardOne fetches data from 2 different datasoucres. This was possible because the item and the fields in the 2 tables were mapped to a single Item Alias and respective Field Alias.

  2. List the customers from New York.

    SELECT City, UPPER(CustomerName)
    FROM Customers
    WHERE City = 'New York'


  3. List the first 5 customers sort by age in ascending order

    SELECT * FROM Customers
    ORDER BY Age
    LIMIT 5
    OFFSET 2


  4. List the customers from New York and Los Angeles

    SELECT *
    FROM Customers
    WHERE City = 'New York' OR City = 'Los Angeles'


  5. List the cities where the customers are from.

    FROM Customers


  6. Count the number of customers from each city.

    SELECT City, COUNT(City) as `Count`
    FROM Customers
    GROUP BY City


  7. List the cities having more than 1 customer

    SELECT City, COUNT(City) as `Count`
    FROM Customers
    GROUP BY City
    HAVING `Count` > 1


  8. List the customers and their orders

     SELECT *
    FROM Customers as c
    JOIN `OrdersOracle.Orders` as o
    ON c.CustomerId = o.ID


    The Orders table are referenced as OrdersOracle.Orders i.e. <Datasource Name> . <Table Name> as there was no Alias mapped to it.

  9. List the details of the orders with prices more than 60

     SELECT *
    FROM Customers as c
    JOIN `MySQL.documentation_demo.Orders` as o
    ON c.CustomerId = o.ID AND o.Price >= 60
