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Data Types Support in ShardOne

ShardOne facilitates efficient data management by embracing the concept of data types. A data type serves as a classification for data, dictating the specific value a variable can hold and the range of mathematical, relational, or logical operations applicable to it. ShardOne boasts comprehensive support for a wide range of SQL data types, including numeric, string and binary, boolean, date and time, as well as semi-structured data types. With ShardOne, the user can confidently handle and manipulate diverse data types with ease.

ShardOne supports the following SQL Data Types:


Data Type Mappings for External Sources

Data types from external sources are automatically mapped to ShardOne data types. For a breakdown of the mappings from ShardOne to the supported datasources, see the following topics:


ShardOne supports selecting the following MySQL Database types. The following table shows the mappings from MySQL to ShardOne data types. If there are additional MySQL types not listed in the table, then those types are not supported in ShardOne.



ShardOne supports Oracle data types, as shown in the following table which provides the mappings from Oracle to ShardOne data types. If there are additional Oracle types not listed in the table, then those types are not supported in ShardOne.


Microsoft SQL Server

The following table illustrates the mappings from Microsoft SQL Server to ShardOne data types, demonstrating the supported Microsoft SQL Server data types in ShardOne. Any Microsoft SQL Server types not listed in the table are not supported by ShardOne.


AWS S3 - CSV Files

In ShardOne, support for CSV File data types is evident in the following table, which outlines the mappings from CSV File to ShardOne data types. It should be noted that if there are any CSV File types not listed in the table, they are not supported by ShardOne.


AWS S3 - EXCEL Files

The provided table showcases the mappings from Excel File data types to ShardOne data types, indicating the support of Excel File types in ShardOne. However, if there are any additional Excel File types not included in the table, it implies that ShardOne does not offer support for those particular types.


AWS Athena

ShardOne extends its support to a range of AWS Athena data types, as evidenced by the comprehensive table below, illustrating the mappings from AWS Athena to ShardOne data types. It is important to note that any AWS Athena types not mentioned in the table are not supported in ShardOne.



Within ShardOne, a wide array of MongoDB data types are fully supported. The following table exhibits the mappings from MongoDB to ShardOne data types, further highlighting this compatibility. It is worth mentioning that any MongoDB types not explicitly listed in the table indicate their lack of support within the ShardOne framework.


Data Type Compatibility

While discussing how to map aliases to fields, it was mentioned that only aliases compatible with the datatype of the field will be available for mapping. Need a recap on mapping aliases? Refer this.

The table shown below indicates the compatibility of the datatypes available in ShardOne. It represents the types that are implicitly compatible or coercible with other types.
